West Sussex County Council

West Sussex energy & fuel poor vulnerability tool

Briefly describe the initiative/ project/ service

Identifies West Sussex residents who may be at increased risk of fuel poverty, vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home, or living in an energy inefficient home.

This will help identify specific residents who could benefit from measures that will help them to reduce the cost of heating their homes.

Long URL – https://public.tableau.com/profile/ellen.gayler#!/vizhome/WestSussexenergyhousingdatabaseJuly2017/Story1
Short URL – http://tabsoft.co/2wrKP77

Why do you think it should win this award?

Highly effective use of open data that has assisted the County Council and it’s partner organisations to offer help to vulnerable people in the County.
Other than Ellen’s skill and time this was achieved quickly and at zero cost.

What are the key achievements?

Using Tableau Public software to create a wonderful interactive tool that was free and enabled simple sharing with our partner organisations.
Taking open data from the DCLG and using it to make a difference for our residents.
Delivering the project in a few days.

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