Public Sector Reform Team (GM Connect)
Working Well Expansion Programme
Briefly describe the initiative/ project/ service
Working Well is a service to assist individuals that have been unemployed for a long period becoming work ready. This means overcoming the personal barriers affecting them finding work. This requires a central keyworker, ensuring a co-ordinated service with the appropriate local authority service, with other commissioned services like Skills for Employment and Talking Therapies. To do this requires the sharing of information in a controlled and transparent way, to ensure the client received an holistic service that helps them overcome barriers. But at the same time remains lawful and true to the client’s privacy.
Why do you think it should win this award?
This latest programme has built on a previous pilot programme and has responded to the request to better integrate multi disciplinary support. By ensuring the client understands what is happening with their information. By working in a challenging environment it has taken the sharing process and pushed against previously perceived boundaries for the benefit of citizens. However this continues to happen with on going feedback from Providers and Partners on how the sharing process could be improved. This project takes into consideration the clients and what would be beneficial to improve the experience for them.
What are the key achievements?
Better integration to provide an holistic service to an individual.
Breaking down of cultural reservations about information sharing.
Working with Providers, Local Authorities and the DWP to improve outcomes for clients.