Health Award Finalists 2016

Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust

Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust: Securing Communications with Third Parties

Providing a varied range of health and wellbeing services at over 400 sites, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust (LCFT) ………..READ MORE

Bolton Council

Complex Lifestyles

Research by the PH Intelligence team had highlighted that a relatively small number of vulnerable individuals consumed a disproportional …………..READ MORE

Bolton Integrated I M & T Group

Shared Health and Social Care Desktop

The integrated I M & T Group for Bolton, is a partnership with representation from Bolton Council, Bolton CCG, Bolton FT Hospital, GMW, GP’s and …………….READ MORE

Wigan Council – health and social care footprint

Share to Care

This is a project to deliver a shared view of patient GP and other medical data, to stakeholders/partners, at key locations across Wigan. This uses the Medical …………..READ MORE

To view all the other fantastic submissions we received for the Health category