Cheshire East Council
Live Well Cheshire East
Briefly describe the initiative/ project/ service
Cheshire East Council has launched a new online resource ‘Live Well Cheshire East’ which improves access to information, advice and support to help residents ‘live well.’
The website includes an information and advice section covering a range of subjects such as health matters, community activities, care and support for adults, children’s services and the Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disability.
The site features an easy to use directory that brings together services, support and activities that residents can access across the borough.
The new directory signposts residents to a range of support such as home care, equipment and services to keep you safe at home, as well as clubs and activities.
The site will also allow residents to look for carer services, gain information about benefits and money management and to find support groups. The site also details the support available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Why do you think it should win this award?
Live Well Cheshire East combines information & advice and a directory of services in one place for a broad range of interests covering community and voluntary sector, adult social care, children’s social care, early years, and health. This is provided through a single navigation tree that encourages self help and gives control over choice to the end user. It is a resource for the public, carers, providers, and care professionals.
Great effort is going into the public promotion of Live Well as well as embedding it’s use in front-line teams at the Council. The initial offering will be developed further with online self assessments. In line with NHS England’s ‘Making Every Contact Count (MECC)’ Live Well CE will be integrated with health partners across the region so it is promoted as a source of information in all care and community settings. GPs will be given the ability to utilise the service for referring Patients for local support – in effect ‘social prescriptions’.
What are the key achievements?
Single view for all aspects of care, support, and advice.
Provides local people with non-costed and alternative/inclusive care options, promoting prevention of deteriorating health, self management of long-term conditions, and keeping people away from avoidable unplanned urgent care.
Comprehensive local directory allowing easy identification of potential ‘unmet need’.